Procedure for Submitting and Publishing
a Research Paper in HIJOMR

Prepare Your Manuscript
- Draft your research paper, including sections such as abstract, introduction, related research, research methods, conclusion, and references.
- Format your document according to the journal’s recommended style. You can download a sample document for formatting guidelines.
- Click to View Paper Format

Receive Submission Acknowledgment
After submission, you will receive an acknowledgment email confirming receipt of your paper.

Initial Review
- An editorial board member will conduct a preliminary review to ensure your paper aligns with the journal’s guidelines and policies.
- Papers with more than 10% plagiarism are desk-rejected.

Peer Review
If your paper passes the initial review, it will be sent for double-blind peer review by one of the journal's reviewers.

Review Criteria
Your paper will be evaluated based on the following criteria, each rated out of 10 points:
- Relevance of Title and Research Article
- Scholarly Quality
- Continuity in the Article
- Use of Theory
- Novelty and Originality
- Technical Content and Correctness
- Understanding and Illustrations
- Critical Qualities
- Quality of References
- Clarity of Conclusions
The review process typically takes 1 to 2 Weeks. You will be notified by email once the review is complete.

Complete Required Forms
Download the copyright permission and undertaking forms. Review the conditions, fill out the forms using a PDF reader, save the completed forms, and submit them along with proof of payment.

Verification and Publication
Your paper will be published within 1-2 Weeks after verification.

Publication Notification
Upon publication, e-certificates (digital certificates) will be sent to all authors. You will also receive a publication notification email.